Cinderella is one true example and model for the "rags to riches" motive. I truly believe it's possible to gain riches and success through magic and marriage. Now, magic of course can translate to simply having "good luck", but it appears as magic just the same. Most people, now days, consider this idea, however, to imply that no work is necessary at all. They'd call people "gold-diggers". Anyone who believed this motive to hold any truth, they'd be frowned upon because everyone is supposed to work diligently and fervently until they can work no more.
I believe life is not supposed to be that way. Life is full of magic and impossibility. But because we're so busy, and our culture is one of passive aggression, no one takes the time really, as i say, to "look up at the stars". With this, i mean, no one believes in the wonder of the world anymore, except for children who see with different eyes. That's why we tell children these stories; not only to teach them a lesson, but also with the hope that they'll never lose sight of the impossibilities and wonders such as magic. Getting married, is always a great thing. It should be magical. Therefore, the fact that these two ideas put together create something so surreal is excellent.
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